Fresh peppers, hot or sweet, washed and dried
Gas burner
Turn the burner to medium-high and use long,
heatproof tongs to rotate the pepper over the
flame until completely charred.
Oven broiler
Preheat the broiler to high and place the rack 6
inches below the heat source.
Place peppers in
one layer on sheet pan and cook until one side is
charred. Turn as needed to char all sides.
Preheat the grill on high and place the peppers
over direct heat. Turn as needed to char all sides.
When peppers are charred, place them
in a covered bowl until completely cooled and
wet from the steam.
Rub charred skins off peppers with
hands—for best results and flavor, do not rinse
the peppers.
Use immediately or store covered in
refrigerator for up to a week.